composting leaves organic fertilizer are one of the most valuable compostable materials for the large amounts of fibrous organic matter they supply. Leaf compost serves primarily as an organic amendment and a soil conditioner. They improve structure of all soil types as organic fertilizer.Composting is becoming a main way to deal with leaves instead of burning and sending to a landfill. The decomposition of leaves takes a quite long time. It could be usually about one or two and even ...
Actualizado 27/04/17 a las 02:38 AM por Kevin Duan
Estimados señores ofrecemos MACA con certificación orgánica para Europa y EE.UU. Área cantidad 100% orgánica Maca (Lepidium Peruvianum) 30 ha 180 toneladas ...
Actualizado 24/11/17 a las 01:38 PM por angel perez de la cruz